Monday, June 30, 2008


It's the same evening,
the same place,
the same time,
waiting for you again,
but this time its different,
there is no you.....

I close my eyes and mind wanders to yesterday,
when you were here too.....

Life seemed so different, so simple, so sweet yesterday,
and today, its the same, so complex, so painful,
how can one day change it so much.....

yesterday i could see you how ever long i wanted to,
but today all i have is that frozen smile of yours,
captured in my camera and heart......

There are so many things i wanted to say yesterday,
only couldn't,
instead i just stood there watching you,
watching you talk, watching you move, watching you laugh, watching you play.....

yesterday you looked prettier than ever,
prettier than the evening sky,
prettier than the butterfly....

Look its the same breeze blowing,
which yesterday made your hair fly,
and blew it right across my face....

Why did yesterday not go on a little longer,
for me to tell you what i felt,
what I've been feeling for the past fifteen years,
what i wanted you to know desperately....
Today I'm standing right here,
where we were yesterday,
there seems to be a cold spot in my chest,where my heart used to be,
and instead of warmth, a chill is spreading through my veins
and I'm looking for a quantum of solace.....

In the morning i saw you leave,
you saw me standing there and smiled,
as if you knew something, something i hadn't told you,
your steps were faltering and a glint of guilt in your eyes,
and something told me it wasn't over, not just yet.......


Mystic said...

ummm.. b'ful :-)

Saya said...

Hey i dono wt to say..Itz so true and really beautiful lines..
It touches the heart of everyone who reads it.
Now u r gonna tell me who s that girl;)
